
Sunday, January 15, 2012


SUN 08 JAN 2012 8:30am Got up a bit earlier today. Of course, I haven't been going to bed all that early, so I'm not going to worry about it. Just get up when I feel like it. As long as I write at some point in the day. I printed out The Beader and am going to try to make some sense out of it today.

View out our kitchen window

SUN 15 JAN 2012 11:28am Looks like I'm only getting at this on Sundays. It's been a busy week all around. Went to my sister Helen's on Monday and then we drove to brother Gord and Pat's. Had a good visit, played a couple of games, cards and dice. They have lived in the same house for 40 some years in Scarborough, and you can only imagine how different it was back then. Surrounded by farmland still, and the 401 was only four lanes. They've had a games group since the first, that meet every two weeks or so to play board games.  And some of the original members are still in it. Now they do other things like go to plays or out to dinner. It's amazing continuity.

Drove Helen back to Barrie the next day and headed home. Want to go visit George and Topi next.
Nothing too exciting the rest of the week, but wrote a lot. Helen had a copy of Lost, one of my old stories. I had rewritten it from memory because I didn't have a copy, but now I'm merging the two together.

A slightly different view.

Just phoned Pat to get some more family tree info. She was on the treadmill. Said her back was worse so this might help. The more you get into this family tree stuff the more inneresting it gets.

I see on FB that Darren and David are having a great time in Peru. Just looking at the pictures gives me vertigo.  It's incredible country. Living among the clouds.

Just sent Gord's family tree to Don, and some pictures. I'll get more ready to go the next time I can get on the computer. J is editing her videos.

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