
Saturday, May 7, 2011


SAT 07 MAY 2011 8:07pm First 6 day week so far. Getting the hanging baskets out for Mom's day. Rode my Suzuki most of the week.

Colton was 2 years old yesterday. He's a real cute little guy. Doesn't talk much yet but smart as a whip and never stops moving.

This time of year is so amazing with the greenery slowly appearing; each day just a touch more, a real slight of hand by the master conjurer, until suddenly, the whole land is lush as can be. I was down in Niagara today and some fruit trees are already blooming. I found a grape hyacinth in our field. And, of  course, took a snap, as I did with the daffodil.

Also sat on my back porch enjoying the sun. Looking forward to lots of time there in the old rocker as the days and evenings warm and stretch into infinity.

Jackie is already in bed, having worn herself to a frazzle the past two days. Taught her Qigong class (to find out more about what she's up to go here) today and yesterday took the jewellry on the road to Hamilton with Kimberley. It was a noon presentation at the University. Didn't sell much but felt the contacts were worth it. 

Listening to Matt Mays a great musician originally from Hamilton, brought up in Halifax. He has had kind of a funny career. His early records are very gentle with a twinge of country with the pedal steel in there. Then as he went on he got rockier with each release. Most young people do it the other way around. But, he's good no matter which end of the spectrum he's at. I listen to him a lot.

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