
Saturday, July 23, 2011


SAT 23 JULY 2011 10:36am   Ok, repeat after me. Never, never, ever leave home with out your camera! I did and now will relate the sad tale.

We had to go to Simcoe for something then went down to Dover to pick up a few groceries at the No Frills. Then we got a take-out coffee and headed home. Jackie said it would be nice to go to Port Ryerse to drink the coffees. So, we wound down the deeply shaded hill past the old cottages to the waterfront and there not far off shore was a burning boat.

 Naturally the first thing I thought of was a Viking funeral but it was less romantic then that. People crowded the cottage porches and lined up on the sand, boats and kayaks circled in the vicinity.

We parked and sat back with our coffees to watch the boat (about a 15 foot fibre-glass boat with an outboard engine) slowly disintegrate. I was already kicking myself for not having my camera, when we heard the sirens in the distance.

It's a narrow road leading to a small parking area, at the end of which is a foot bridge to another small area. Into this comes 3 fire trucks, an emergency van, a large pick-up and an OPP SUV. Everyone got out and surveyed the situation.

The still burning boat was now slowly drifting to the east away from the beach. There was talk of taking a ride in one of the local boats and hooking a line on it and dragging it back into range. But, some thought they could reach it with the hose on the pumper. That was tried but wasn't overly effective. Then the other pumper pulled in closer and they refilled the first one with water.

By that time a Coast Guard  and an OPP boat appeared on the scene. We're up to about 15 men in uniform now. The Coast Guard pumped water on it and got the fire out. Then they dragged it in to the little bridge and the firemen with grappling hooks dragged it under the bridge and up on shore. Little kids in bathing suits and bare feet hovered around as did adults with cups and glasses in their hands. They were all gently admonished to clear the area a few times and finally did.

They dragged the hose over and doused the boat some more because it was still smouldering. Bolt cutters were sent for to cut the line from the fuel tank. I was surprised that it hadn't blown already.

At that point they were putting tape across the road since the scene would be turned over to the OPP for investigation. I said I wouldn't mind leaving so they lifted the hose up so I could drive under it and moved one of the trucks so I could get past.

 I collected Jackie who was checking the sand for beach glass and we continued home.

Never, ever leave home without it!

Now after all that I have to stick in a couple of photos.

Our gazebo

Looking up the road around the corner from us. Notice the tall hedges to the right. There are a lot of long narrow fields lined with them in the area.  


  1. Well your right David about the camera at home !!I have a friend that takes her camera wherever she goes and has some remarkable photos. But you've learned and now it will stay with you... This area looks lovely, the green of the grass and trees are beautiful to look at. loved your tale on the boat burning in the waters, something that I would not like to see happening, with the oils and gas going into the lakes an such, but by the sounds of things everything worked out in that case with NO explosion happening.. Remember to carry your camera, as one never knows what they may happen to come across. Could be award winning shot !!!lol Thanks for the tale... friend SOONIE

  2. Thanks for the comments, SOONIE. It was an interesting Friday evening for sure.
    Norfolk County where we live is rich with beauty of all kinds. A very diverse countryside.
    Thanks for reading.
