
Monday, January 31, 2011


SUN 30 JAN 2011 3:16pm  Took down some more grape vine today. Good to be out there with the sun shining brightly. That's not so common this time of year. Makes you really appreciate it when it comes. Managing to find wood to cut up or split. Not using too much of the good stuff. If I can come up with enough we might not have to buy anymore this year.
The Teeth of Winter

Jackie has gone shopping. I felt like staying home for a change. Went out every day this week.

Friday I met Matt at the Moonshine in Oakville to see the latest from Cindy Dell and Duane Rutter. And that is the Dharlings with Amy Wark on percussion and piano, LeeAnne Wesseling & Brennagh Burns singing back-up. Lee Anne later sang a couple of numbers and knocked everyone over with her solid, soulful voice and her show-stealing knee-highs.

 Roots, folk, country, blues, it all gets its due. And you have five song-writers in one band. A really enjoyable evening at a well-run club. John & Jane are right on the ball all night making sure it's a good experience for everyone. And they care about the music and musicians, which makes them special.

MON 31 JAN 2011 8:25am This is early for me at this time of year. Will be going into town with Ivo & Celine soon to pick up a box-spring we got at the Sally Ann. $10 takes it. Considering they wanted $300 at the furniture store I believe we did alright.

Jackie is going to lunch with Kimberly to discuss their next project, which is Jackie teaching ChiFusion at the centre.
We've started playing mind games. On-line. Lumosity. Quite fun and they're supposed to keep you from vegetating. Which is different than our diet which is mostly vegetables.

 11:18am The box-spring is home. The guys there loaded it on for us. Good chat with Celine getting all the news. Gotta go practice piano some more.


  1. You're welcome,Cindy. The Dharlings are my new favourite band, you know!

  2. Thanks for the kind words David, do appreciate!

    Lee Anne

  3. You are more than welcome, Lee Anne. Hope to see you again soon.
